Deep Tree Of Life Kryst Code Activation | Back To The Divine Matrix (22 Min)


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  1. The DNA codes the 12 Tree grid helps you to connect to the divine matrix.

    • I recommend listen to this DNA activation in the evening up for 30 days.

  2. After 30 days you will notice a strong change in your aura.

  3. Your DNA heals and your soul detaches from the artificially created AI matrix.

  4. You feel protected and energetically connected!

  5. Jeshua Ben Josef helped with this energy transmission and it was a great honor for me.

  6. This is a DNA activation based on light language.

  7. Your DNA returns to its origin and is protected.


The 12 Tree grid or “Kathara” refers to the core structure of the holographic manifest universe. The metatronic cube has to stuck energy from other beings. The metatronic cube belongs to the "artificial matrix" that leads us to the fallen consciousness.

At the moment we are in a global healing phase by breaking through old structures. This phase can be confusing, because we starseeds have also often believed the spiritual twists and now realize that something is not quite right. Many starseeds often feel very weak and exhausted even though they are working with Archangel Metatron, the Galactic Federation of Light, Lord Ashtar Sheran or with the famous flower life.

The reason for this exhaustion is that the artificial matrixes created by the NAA (Negative Alien Agenda) are draining our life energy as well. When you understand that you are allowed to reclaim your power and that you are allowed to be directly connected to the source, you can recognize and transform all these illusions.

At the same time, the channelings to the AI matrixes feel like a "state of intoxication" and although many starseeds feel weaker and weaker, they think they are in contact with the benevolent sources. This "state of intoxication" can lead to dependencies so that starseeds also want to have more and more energy from the artificial matrix. In doing so, they are constantly drained of life energy from the NAA.

If you make contact to your heart and to the source then you will generate a lot of energy! No energy is taken away from you but you receive a lot of life energy.

This Kryst Code activation helps you to restore your DNA to its original state. You feel safe, energized and connected to the source.

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